literally, dont judge

As the wise words once said  " dont judge a book by its cover " .Nahhh am not talking nor reviewing books ,but this precious moment had happen to me while I was waiting for the train,going for a meet up with some friends. and I would like to share my gratitude towards our Almighty ,Allah thank you for this great short moment of faith :)

Arrived early at KTM Batu Tiga because I dislike the hassle to board and wait for it but ended up Platform 2 ( Platform that I should be use to  reach my destination ) was closed down due to technical matters.At the moment alright I was fine with that ,luckily I've had my lunch before that ,phew!So I waited for about 35 minutes till the train to KL Sentral arrived.but as I was waiting there's a Bangladesh guy sat beside me .waited for the train too,he was wearing a white 'songkok' .atm my thoughts was "he's just performed the Friday prayer maybe " . 

As usual whenever I'm going out alone , I will always have a book to accompany me.The book I'm
currently reading gives an uplifting concise guide to making the most of yourself.

So I read and read,
read .......(that  Bangla guy was staring at my lap) 
till a family came to me asking for directions as I showed them this and that.
So when I was about to continue to read , that Bangla guy speak something I couldnt understand but he showed the book
Then I gave the book .It was a 2 mins suprised I gave it right away ,and I waited.
I was wondering so when I take a look he was reading it from pages to pages 
I'm Waiting ...
Few minutes then he asked for a pen *stillshowingthatgestures
He jot down something from the book.
That time thoughts kept running through my wild minds
*maybe he's jotting down some useful quotes
Mann I couldnt understand what he's saying and he was reading an English book ,so tons of thoughts wondered that time.
Is he goin to understand ? 
Will he approach me to translate it ? 
or When is he goin to return my book  ?

He returned the pen,the book and a warm smile .
" Thank you sister "
I smiled back  :)

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